Operators >
Siva Nookala - 12 Apr 2016

About Basic Arithmetic Operators In Java :

Basic Arithmetic Operators are sub group of Java Arithmetic Operators which include only addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Basic Arithmetic Operators In Java With Example Program.
Basic Algebra
class BasicAlgebra
    public static void main(String arg[])
        int a = 3 + 4;
        int b = a * 4;
        int c = b - a;
        int d = b / 2;
        System.out.println("a = " + a);
        System.out.println("b = " + b);
        System.out.println("c = " + c);
        System.out.println("d = " + d);    

a = 7
b = 28
c = 21
d = 14


In this example, 3 + 4 is assigned to a which will be 7,
a * 4 is assigned to b which will be 7 * 4 = 28,
b - a is assigned to c which will be 28 - 7 = 21,
b / 2 is assigned to d which will be 28 / 2 = 14
As we can see here, the operands could be literals (e.g., 3, 4), variables (e.g., a, b) or expressions.

  • Create a new int variable e and assign it an expression ( a + b ) - ( c * d ) and see the output by printing e.
  • Exchange the literal values and the operators used and see the output in those cases.