Exceptions >
Siva Nookala - 17 Mar 2016
An exception is an abnormal condition that arises in a code sequence at run time. An exception is a run-time error. Most of these run-time errors could be prevented by doing proper input validation as shown in How To Handle An Exception In Java, but in cases where we can not prevent effectively we can use the exception handling mechanism provided by Java.

Shown below is the simplest form of exception handling. Here we have two keywords try and catch. Just after the try keyword is the try-block and the block after the catch keyword is catch-block.

    // This is try-block
    // Include the statements which might cause an exception here
catch(Exception ex)
    // This is catch-block
    // Handle exception here
In the try-block, we need include the statements which might cause exception, like opening of files, writing data into files or connecting to a remote web server or opening a database connection etc., In the catch-block, we can catch the exception and handle it. Usually in the catch-block we log the exceptions to the log file, so that the admin person knows about it. In the catch block, we will also inform the user of the program about the error in an understandable form.
To understand, the exception handling better lets define a class called ValuableResource. While programming, files, database connections, socket connections etc., are valuable resources. When ever you want to use this ValuableResource, you need create it, initialize it, use it and close it properly before exiting.
Real-life examples of valuable resources are your mobile talk-time, hostel locker etc. When ever we make a call using mobile, we dial the number, talk to the other person and disconnect the call. Similarly, when we use the hostel locker, we open it, put or get the things from it and finally lock it properly.
class ValuableResource
        // Creating the resource

    void initialize()
        // Initializes the resource

    void useTheResource()
        // Using the resource, it might throw exceptions

    void useItInAnotherWay()
        // Using the resource differently, it might throw exceptions

    void close()
        // Properly closing/cleaning up the resource
// Steps for properly using the resources are
ValuableResource resource = new ValuableResource();
For us to effectively use a resource we need to do those steps shown above. But while using the resource, it might throw an exception. We need to handle that exception properly and give a proper message to user. Also we need to close/cleanup the resource by calling the close() method.
Try Catch Block In Java explains how we can use this resource and communicate to the user regarding the exceptions thrown by it.