There are few other features of Java apart from Applets, Security, Portability and Servlets which are also important. These are also called as Java Buzzwords. Which are Simple, Object Oriented, Robust, Multi Threading, Architecture Neutral, Interpreted and High Performance, Distributed and Dynamic

  • Simple

    Simple- Java was designed to be easy for the professional programmer to learn and use it effectively. Since Java inherits C/C++ syntax and object oriented (OO) concepts of C++, it is easy to learn for most programmers.
  • Object Oriented

    Object Oriented - Since Java was developed from scratch and there was no dependency to be compatible with other previous languages, it arrived at a very good design for Object Oriented concepts. It implemented the best concepts from various OO languages and integrated them properly. Java achieved a right balance while implementing the object oriented concepts and did not take any extreme approach like 'Every thing is a object'.
  • Robust

    Robust - Since Java is platform independent, the programs needs to be robust. Programs written in Java should work in various operating systems and they should not fail or function differently. Java achieves robustness by doing strict type checking at compile time. Java also does very good memory management and has good exception handling framework, which makes it more robust. e.g., Memory management is totally done by the JVM and so mistakes with allocation and de-allocation of memory are completely avoided.
  • Multi Threading

    Multi Threading - Java supports multi threaded programming which allows us to write programs that do many things simultaneously. Java has strong support for multi process synchronization that helps in running interactive systems smoothly with out deadlocks.
  • Architecture Neutral

    Architecture Neutral- Java supports code longevity along with portability. Portablity is running the same program on multiple platforms, where as longevity is running for longer time on the same platform. Since changes like processors upgrade, operating systems upgrade could impact the programs which are dependent on architecture. Java is designed to be architecture neutral and hence these changes do not impact the programs. So programs are valid for a longer time and they change only when the requirements change.
  • Interpreted and High Performance

    Interpreted and High Performance - Although the bytecode has to be interpreted, it can be easily translated into native code with out impacting the performance. Java uses Just In Time (JIT) compiler, which translates bytecode into native code very efficiently. Java run-time environment provides this feature, with out loosing the benefits of platform independent code.
  • Distributed

    Distributed- Java is designed for distributed environment of the Internet because it handles TCP/IP protocols. It also supports RMI (Remote Method Invocation), which enables programs to invoke methods across a network.
  • Dynamic

    Dynamic- Java programs have lots of run-time type information which is used in verifying and resolving access to objects at runtime. Due to this, it is possible to update small fragments of bytecode on a running system. Which means we need not stop and restart the program for small code changes.