final, static and others >
Siva Nookala - 20 Feb 2017
static keyword helps in declaring class variables. static variables can be used to define global variables.

As we know, with member variables of a class, if multiple objects are created, then every object will have its variable and changing variable of one object does not impact the variable of the other object.
class A
    int i;
A a1 = new A();
A a2 = new A();
a1.i = 30;
a2.i = 50;
As shown above, at LINE C, the value of a1.i will be still 30, since a2.i is different from a1.i.
But sometimes, it is necessary to have a variable, which is common across all the objects of a class. For e.g.,, if we want to keep track of number of objects we created or the total amount in all accounts. We can use the static keyword to achieve this. The following program shows how.
Count Number Of Students
class CountStudents
    public static void main(String s[])
        Student st1 = new Student("Rajesh", 34, 'A');
        Student st2 = new Student("Mahesh", 78, 'B');
        System.out.println("Number of students after st1, st2 : " + Student.count);
        Student st3 = new Student("Suresh", 65, 'A');
        System.out.println("Number of students after st3: " + Student.count);
        Student st4 = createStudent();
        System.out.println("Number of students after st4: " + Student.count);
        System.out.println("Print count using objects : " + st1.count + " " + st2.count + " " + st3.count + " " + st4.count);
    public static Student createStudent()
        return new Student("Akhilesh", 59, 'C');

class Student
    // Static variable
    static int count = 0; // LINE A

    // Member variables
    String name;
    int marks;
    char section;

    Student(String name, int marks, char section)
    { = name;
        this.marks = marks;
        this.section = section;
        // Increment the static variable
        count++; // LINE B

Number of students after st1, st2 : 2
Number of students after st3: 3
Number of students after st4: 4
Print count using objects : 4 4 4 4


Here we have a defined a Student class with member variables name, marks and section. We also included a static or class variable called count at LINE A and incremented it in the constructor at LINE B. Since the constructor is called when ever a new Student is created, we can effectively keep track on the number of students using the static variable count. Also note that the static variables can be accessed using the object variables like st1, st2 or using the class name Student. Either way, it points to the same class variable.

  • Create one more static variable, all_students_marks and add every students marks in the constructor. Print the value of all_students_marks at the end of the main method and it should be 236 (= 34 + 78 + 65 + 59).
  • Remove the static keyword for count at LINE A and see what compilation errors do you get.
The other uses of the static keyword are explained in Creating Static Methods In Java Using Static Keyword. Also checkout how the famous Singleton Design Pattern In Java is implemented using the static keyword and the private constructor.