Collections Framework > Map Classes >
Siva Nookala - 15 Apr 2016
WeakHashMap is an implementation of the Map interface that stores only weak references to its keys. Storing only weak references allows a key-value pair to be garbagecollected when its key is no longer referenced outside of the WeakHashMap.

The WeakHashMap class supports four constructors.
WeakHashMap()It constructs a new, empty WeakHashMap with the default initial capacity (16) and the default load factor (0.75).
WeakHashMap(int initialCapacity)It constructs a new, empty WeakHashMap with the given initial capacity and the default load factor, which is 0.75:.
WeakHashMap(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor)It constructs a new, empty WeakHashMap with the given initial capacity and the given load factor.
WeakHashMap(Map t)It constructs a new WeakHashMap with the same mappings as the specified Map.
import java.util.*;

class WeakHashMapTest
        public static void main(String args[])
          Map weakmap=  (Map) new WeakHashMap();
          String one=new String("one");
          String two=new String("two");
          weakmap.put(one, "Lahari");
          weakmap.put(two, "Latha");
          System.out.println("Before: "+weakmap.get("one")+" "+weakmap.get("two"));
          System.out.println("After: "+weakmap.get("one")+" "+weakmap.get("two"));  

Before: Lahari Latha
After: null null


In the above example program we have taken WeakHashMap,we will put entry for the weakmapobject and then garbage collected.In the WeakHashMap object entry will be there.Later we will make reference keys one,two as null,then garbage collected and again check the entry in WeakHashMap object there will no entry, it return null values.