The valueOf() method is a static method in String class, it returns the string representation of the specified value. The value can be a boolean , char , char [], double , float , int , long or an Object .
Variants of valueOf method are :
A sample program :
valueOf Test class ValueOfDemo { public static void main(String arg[]) { int i = 10; boolean b = true; float f = 4.56789f; char[] data = {'M','E','R','I','T',' ','C','A','M','P','U','S'}; String sample = String.valueOf(i); // LINE A System.out.println("String of integer i : " + sample); sample = String.valueOf(b); // LINE B System.out.println("String of boolean b : " + sample); sample = String.valueOf(f); // LINE C System.out.println("String of float f : " + sample); sample = String.valueOf(data, 0, 12); // LINE D System.out.println("String representation of data : "+ sample); sample = String.valueOf(data, 0, 5); // LINE E System.out.println("Subarray in data starting at index 0 : " + sample); sample = String.valueOf(data, 6, 6); // LINE F System.out.println("Subarray in data starting at index 6 : " + sample); } } OUTPUTString of integer i : 10 String of boolean b : true String of float f : 4.56789 String representation of data : MERIT CAMPUS Subarray in data starting at index 0 : MERIT Subarray in data starting at index 6 : CAMPUS DESCRIPTIONAt LINE A , int is converted to String .
At LINE B , boolean is converted to String .
At LINE C , float is converted to String .
At LINE D , character array data is converted to string using valueOf method.
At LINE E , a part of array data is converted to String i.e. 5 characters from index 0 .
At LINE F , a part of array data is converted to String i.e. 6 characters from index 6 . THINGS TO TRY - Try converting other data types like
char , double , long , Object .