Multithreaded Programming > Synchronization >
Siva Nookala - 15 Apr 2016
In the previous topic we have seen how to use synchronized key word. Now in this topic we will see when and how to use static synchronized. Generally synchronized method holds the lock on the object i.e. when the object is locked it is not allowed to do any other activity. But the other objects of that class can do their activities as usual. Also we discussed that a thread will lock the object. It means that two objects can perform their activities independently unless they are locked by threads.

Assume a situation that no two objects should not execute a method at the same time. Then we should go for static synchronization. When we use static synchronization thread holds the class lock blocking the other objects to execute the method until the current thread object completes it's execution. It will be confusing now. Look at the example below to understand it better.
Static Synchroniztion
class ATMTransaction
    public static void main(String[] args)
        for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
            AccountHolder t = new AccountHolder(); // LINE A
            t.setName("Person" + i);

class ATMCenter

    static synchronized void userAction()
        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " entered"); // LINE D
        System.out.println("Performed Transaction");
        catch (Exception e)
            System.out.println("Thread Interrupted");
        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " transaction complete");
        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " leaving......."); // LINE E

class AccountHolder extends Thread

    //ATMCenter s = new ATMCenter(); // LINE F

    public void run()
        //s.userAction(); // LINE G

Person1 entered
Performed Transaction
Person1 transaction complete
Person1 leaving.......
Person3 entered
Performed Transaction
Person3 transaction complete
Person3 leaving.......
Person2 entered
Performed Transaction
Person2 transaction complete
Person2 leaving.......


In the above program we have three classes ATMTransaction which is the main class, ATMCenter which synchronizes the objects of the AccountHolder, AccountHolder which creates threads(AccountHolder objects). In the main method at LINE A we have created three threads(Person1, Person2 and Person3) by using AccountHolder. At LINE B we are invoking the start method for each thread in the for loop. At LINE C in the run method we are invoking the userAction method. Since userAction method is a static method we invoke it with class name. In the userAction we are printing the statements user entered and user leaving at LINE D and LINE E. Here in the program we used static synchronized for userAction. so no two objects of AccountHolder will access the userAction method so it prints the following output.

  • Un comment the commented lines in the run method and make the userAction to non-static (At LINE F we are creating a new object to ATMCenter each time when an AccountHolder is created and invoking userAction on AccountHolder object at LINE G). Since the method is non-static it will produce a different output.