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Core Java Question

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Question Name
Map the numbers from one list with the nearest smaller number in the other list
Find the allowed numbers in the given 2x3 sudoku
Find the allowed numbers in the given sudoku
Get all possibilities for stretching a word to the given size
Get the possible marks of a student
Check whether the given series is Arithmetic
Convert From Comma Delimited Format To Section Object
Get the possible marks of a student1106
Generate Arithmetic series
Using available measuring weights weigh the required amount of rice using a pan balance
Find all the possible positions which a black elephant can move to without getting killed by white horse
Banner with centre align
Banner with left align
Find the largest acute triangle which can be formed using the points from the given list
Banner with right align
Complete Geometric Series up to given number of terms
Seat Booking in Bus
Slide words to form lookup words
Identify the stations between which the travel time is smallest
Identify the list of persons who got on the train
Identify if a passenger can get on train
Get the list of friends of a given person
Get the most famous friend of the given person
Calculate the run rate and the score at the end of the each over with extras
Print over summary showing the number of runs wickets and the extras
Calculate batsman strike rate highest score average number of half centuries number of centuries number of matches
Calculate economy rate of a bowler
Calculate the balance at the end of all transactions apply overdraft charges if balance goes to negative
Calculate the balance at the end of all transactions apply overdraft charges if balance goes to negative714
Calculate the profit share of a given investor
Parse and create Students List
Identify the nearest number of a given number from a given list of numbers
Convert amount from one currency to another1234
Print the longest chain of ones
Find the triangle whose center is nearest to the origin
Find all the possible positions which a white minister can move without getting killed by black minister and black horse
Count the number of the triangles which can be formed using the given points
Count the number of rectangles which can be formed using the given points
Count the number of squares which can be formed using the given points
Print the longest chain of characters
ArrayList Vs LinkedList
Add element at given index
Get the matched elements from the given inputs
Get sub list from the given inputs
Remove the element at specified index
Remove the first element from the given input
Set Vs List
Retain All Alphabets
Collections Output
Remove the elements from given inputs
Linked Hash Set2890
Convert the given set into integer array
Get Size
Linked Hash Set
TreeSet Example
Tree Set and List
Replace comments with currect code to print required output
Print NavigableSet Values
Get the highest element from given input
Get the lowest element from given input
Get the next element from given inputs
Get the previous element from given inputs
Priority Queue
Add elements to ArrayDeque
Get the first element from the given input
Insert given element at bottom
Insert given element at top
Remove first element from the Queue
Adding enum to EnumSet
Get elements as Set from the given ranges
Create Set for the given Enumerations
Collections NavigableSet
creating ArrayList And Iterator
Collections With Queue And Iterators
Creating ArrayList and Iterator for it
Play Fair

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